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What is the difference between Blended and Triple?Blended mulch is a mixture of Double and Triple mulch, which means it has medium size and small pieces of wood material. Triple Mulch is all smaller pieces. Both are made with the same wood waste but Triple Mulch is processed a step further allowing only finer mulch in its consistency.
Will mulch hurt plant life?Organic mulches add nutrients to the soil as it decays. A quality fabric barrier between the mulch and the soil enables soil to retain moisture, maximizing the effectiveness of watering while allowing water and nutrients to flow to the soil.
Will Mulch cause termites?Mulch does not cause termites, but if termites are already present in an adjacent structure, it can give the insects a chance to tunnel in the mulch. Odds are slim that Double and Triple size mulch will attract termites as they are small pieces of wood. If your house is protected by an exterminator than the proper chemical barrier will stop termites from entering the home and the surrounding mulched areas.
What are the benefits of wood mulch?Wood mulch is used around trees, shrubs, landscape plants and flower beds to help reduce weeds, conserve moisture and enhance the natural beauty of the landscape. Gradually wood mulch breaks down slowly and adds organic matter to the soil. Generally, a mulch layer of 2-4 inches will reduce weeds, conserve moisture, and make for an attractive appearance around shrubs and trees.
Is our mulch treated?We do not add any chemical agents pertaining to pesticides or weed killer to our mulch. It is all organic material which goes through three heat cycles while being processed. The only additive used is the colorant for the colored mulch, which is environmentally safe and specifically formulated to be nontoxic to children, animals and plants.
Will this mulch float away?No, we’ve never had a floating complaint. This mulch is made with hardwoods and is denser than bark. This helps the mulch stay in place. Of course, nearly anything will move if the water velocity is great enough. The location is also a factor, for example; if you’re mulching a sloped area prone to water runoff there may be distribution of mulch outside the desired boundaries.
How to Prepare Beds for Colored Mulch
1. Kill Weeds – Spray all weeds with weed killer 1 to 2 weeks prior to mulching. This allows weeds to completely die, making them easier to pull prior to installation.
2. Trim Trees and Bushes – Because of the debris produced, be sure to trim trees and bushes before applying new mulch.
3. Clean Out Mulch Beds – Remove all dead leaves, weeds and trimmings with a rake.
4. Cultivate – Use a roto-tiller or hand cultivator to loosen any compacted soil or mulch. This allows moisture and air to pass through the mulch easier.
5. Edge Your Beds – Landscapes with clean edges enhance the appearance and give it a professional look. Use an edging shovel or edger to accomplish this. Tip: Use your garden hose as a guide to create nice flowing curves.

6. Rake Smooth – Use a stiff rake, such as a mud rake, to smooth all surfaces to be mulched. Otherwise, your mulch will look lumpy.
7. Apply a Pre-Emergent – This is the time to prevent weed seeds. Apply the pre-emergent before mulching. A second application later further ensures protection from weed seeds
8. It’s Time to Mulch – Using your hands or a rake, apply new mulch over the cultivated mulch or soil. Spread evenly to 2 inches thick, more or less, depending on other variables. When complete, water to moisturize mulch and settle it into place.
9. Mulch Maintenance – After a month or so, check mulch for compaction. If it is compacted, use a garden claw or cultivator to loosen it. This allows water and air to pass, which helps prevent the growth of fungus and restores appearance.
10. Fungus – If present, remove it and the surrounding mulch. Rake existing mulch to cover the area. Then water thoroughly. Fungus is a sure sign that you mulch has compacted and your beds have dehydrated; cultivation and watering may be necessary.
We are proud to be using a “Colorfast Colorant” that delivers vibrant, high yield, eco-friendly colorant solutions for wood.
Are Colorfast Colorants environmentally safe?
T.H. Glennon Company uses all environmentally safe materials to manufacture our colorants. They are specially formulated to be nontoxic to children, animals and plants.
Facts about TH Glennon’s Colorfast Colorant
Once Colorfast Colorants are dried onto a surface, it adheres to the surface. When applied and dried properly, the colorant will not wash off.
TH Glennon developed and introduced the Mold Resistant Additive specially formulated to reduce the heat build up of mulch. The Addictive works to reduce the heat in wood mulch, while decreasing the ability for mold and fungus to grow. Ultimately, increasing the shelf life of your colored mulch and maximizing your return on investment.
TH Glennon’s goal is: to assist customers in building profitable and efficient mulch coloring business, while contributing to a cleaner, healthier world.